Mobile Phlebotomy Services

Bringing the Lab to
Your Home at Your

We come to you at your home or office!

Idesta Medical mobile phlebotomy services specialize in completing specimen collections in the home or workplace, as well as health fairs and employee wellness events.

Healthcare Providers & Family Members!

Your time and convenience are important priorities. Our services will eliminate the hassle, and often the challenge, of scheduling and arranging for your blood draws. We have tailored our services to fit the need of the homebound senior, the busy executive, as well as the fragile pediatric patient. 

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About Us

We provide a wide range of Mobile Phlebotomy services. At the heart of our business is caring for people. We are committed to high-quality personalized service.

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Our Services

From children to seniors we make you feel at ease. We provide convenience with care by performing onsite blood draws for patients in the comfort of their own home or office.

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Contact Us

No more waiting rooms and labs! We look forward to providing you with Mobile Phlebotomy services in the comfort of your own home or office in the greater Atlanta, GA area.